When you have clients that just evolve into your most favorite humans ever, it adds an extra layer of love to their session. It also adds a bit of nerves wanting to capture it just perfectly.

This mama found me through another client of mine when her adorable twins were just 18 months. We’ve done countless sessions in the few years that I’ve photographed their family and each time I’m always impressed at how naturally their love just flows. We’ve done family sessions, extended family sessions with both sides of grandparents, stock sessions at the beach, and a wedding portrait session in Balboa Park. So many fun sessions at different locations around San Diego that I get so excited when I see her name in my inbox. We spend a great deal of time before their sessions deciding on the perfect clothing options together, picking the perfect new location, reading through the questionnaire to make sure I’m up to date on the twins’ favorite new songs so I can badly sing them and get a laugh.

I just love these sessions because they feel like I’m photographing old friends.

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